WCW SuperBrawl III
Titulo original: WCW SuperBrawl III
Fecha de estreno: 1993-02-21
Producción: World Championship Wrestling
Generos: Acción
Presupuesto: $0
Ingresos: $0
Director: Bill Watts
Estado: Released
Duración: 2h 50min
Países de producción: United States of America

Big Van Vader


The Great Muta

Barry Windham

Dustin Rhodes

Maxx Payne

Ricky Morton

Robert Gibson

Stan Lane

Dr. Tom Prichard

Cactus Jack

"Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff

The British Bulldog

"Wild" Bill Irwin

2 Cold Scorpio

Chris Benoit

"Stunning" Steve Austin

"Flyin" Brian Pillman

Marcus Alexander Bagwell

Erik Watts

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair (Appearance)

Jim Cornette (Manager)

Harley Race (Manager)

Hiro Matsuda (Cornerman)

Missy Hyatt (Correspondent)

Eric Bischoff (Broadcaster)

Jesse "The Body" Ventura (Color Commentator)

Tony Schiavone (Commentator)