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The Wild Thornberrys: The Origin of Donnie
Presupuesto: $0
Ingresos: $0
Estado: Released
Duración: 1h 30min
Países de producción: United States of America

Eliza Thornberry (voice)

Marianne Thornberry (voice)

Nigel Thornberry (voice)

Donald 'Donnie' Michael Thornberry (voice)

Debbie Thornberry (voice)

Darwin (voice)

Grandma Sophie (voice)

Rhino / Monkey (voice)

Baru / Monkey (voice)

Rehabilitation Worker / Monkey (voice)

Badouk / Monkey / Poacher (voice)

Medicine Woman (voice)

Parrots (voice)

Female Rhinoceros Hornbill (voice)

Sun Bear (voice)

Male Rhinoceros Hornbill (voice)

Saiful (voice)

Villager / Forest Animal (voice)

Villager (voice)

Bearded Pig / Poacher (voice)

Squirrel / Forest Animal (voice)

Civat Cat / Mousedeer / Forest Animal (voice)

Ona / Owl / Forest Animal (voice)

Villager / Forest Animal / Donnie's Mother (voice)

Ibu (voice)