Land of Liberty
Presupuesto: $0
Ingresos: $0
Estado: Released
Duración: 2h 18min
Países de producción: United States of America


Thomas Jefferson (edited from 'Romance of Louisiana')

Alexander Graham Bell (archive footage)

Virginia Randolph (edited from 'Daniel Boone')

Alexander Hamilton (edited from 'Alexander Hamilton')

Diamond Jim Brady (edited from 'Diamond Jim')

Lord Palmerston (edited from 'Victoria the Great')

(archive footage)

(archive footage)

(archive footage)

(archive footage)

(archive footage)

(archive footage)

(archive footage)

(archive footage)

Theodore Roosevelt (edited from 'Teddy the Rough Rider')

(archive footage)

Mary Wilkins (edited from 'Of Human Hearts')

(archive footage)

Ezra Peavey (edited from 'The Buccaneer')

Buck Cantrell (edited from 'Jezebel')

Billy the Kid (edited from 'Billy the Kid')

(archive footage)

(archive footage)

Dolly Madison (edited from 'The Buccaneer')

(archive footage)

(archive footage)

(archive footage)