Donkey Kong Country: The Legend of the Crystal Coconut
Presupuesto: $0
Ingresos: $16,000,000
Director: Mike Fallows
Estado: Released
Duración: 1h 28min
Países de producción:

Donkey Kong (voice)

Diddy Kong (voice)

Cranky Kong (voice)

King K. Rool (voice)(as Ben Campbell)

Bluster (voice)

Candy Kong (voice)

General Klump (voice)

Funky Kong (voice)

Dixie Kong (voice)(as Louise Vallance)

Krusha/Kritter (voice)

Kritter/Inky Dinky Doo (voice)

Polly Roger (voice)

Kaptain Skurvy/Junior the Klaptrap (voice)