Легенда о княгине Ольге
Presupuesto: $0
Ingresos: $0
Director: Юрій Іллєнко
Estado: Released
Duración: 2h 15min
Países de producción: Soviet Union

Princess Olha

Prince Svyatoslav

Volodymyr I Svyatoslavych

Volodymyr young

Voivode Sveneld


Greek Arefa, a monk

Oleh the Wise, Prince of Kyiv

Prince Ihor, Olha's husband, Svyatoslav's father

Prince Mal of the Drevlians

Prince Svyatoslav young

man "Tree-cloud"

mute stable boy

volkhv Ilm

Governor of Novhorod

housekeeper Malusha

messenger Vivera

the envoy of the Drevlians

Prince's man-at-arms

Prince's man-at-arms
