Союз спасения
Presupuesto: $15,936,600
Ingresos: $0
Director: Andrey Kravchuk
Estado: Released
Duración: 2h 10min
Países de producción: Russia

Sergey Muravyov-Apostol, lieutenant colonel of the Chernigov regiment

prince Sergey Trubetskoy, Colonel of the Guard, Duty Officer of the General Staff

Pavel Pestel, Colonel Commander of the Vyatka Regiment

Mikhail Bestuzhev-Ryumin, second lieutenant of the Poltava Infantry Regiment

Kondraty Ryleev, poet, journalist

Count Mikhail Miloradovich, military governor-general of St. Petersburg

Baranov, grenadier of the Chernigov regiment, demoted major

Artamon Muravyov, Colonel, Commander of the Akhtyr Hussars

Emperor Alexander I

Nikolai Pavlovich, brother of Alexander I

Prince Alexey Shcherbatov, the military governor-general of Kiev

Nikolay Mordvinov, senator

Gustav Gebel, Lieutenant Colonel Commander of the Chernigov Regiment

Alexander Benkendorf, cavalry general

Princess Belskaya, Anna's mother

Anna Belskaya

Amphelt, Colonel

Ivan Sukhinov, Lieutenant of the Chernigov Regiment

Veniamin Soloviev, Baron, Head Captain of the Chernigov Regiment

Mikhail Shchepillo, Lieutenant of the Chernigov Regiment

Anastasiy Kuzmin, Lieutenant, Commander of the 5th Musketeer Company of the Chernigov Regiment

Ippolit Muravyov-Apostol, ensign of the quartermaster

Petr Kakhovsky, retired lieutenant

Evgeny Obolensky, Prince, Lieutenant Life Guards of the Finnish Regiment

Petr Frederiks, Baron, Adjutant General, Actual Privy Councilor

Alexey Yushnevsky, the quartermaster general of the 2nd army, state councilor

Chistov, Major of the Chernigov Regiment

Arkady Mayboroda, Captain of the Vyatka Regiment

Ivan Dibich, Adjutant General, Chief of General Staff

Alexander Chernyshev, General

Mikhail Bestuzhev-Ryumin

Anton Arbuzov, lieutenant of the Guards crew

Nikolay Panov, Lieutenant Life Guards Grenadier Regiment

Dmitry Schepin-Rostovsky, Captain of the Life Guards Moscow Regiment

Ilya Bakunin, ensign

Fedor Geismaer, Baron, Cavalry General

Fedor Schwartz, colonel, commander of the Semenov regiment

Evsey, Muravyev-Apostol's batman

Lerner, gendarme

Alexandra Feodorovna, Nikolay Pavlovich's wife

little Alexander, Nikolay Pavlovich's son

Ekaterina Nelidova, maid of honor Alexandra Fedorovna

Karl Karlovich Merder, educator of little Alexander

Ryleev's wife

Varya, Ryleev's daughter

Trubetskoy's wife

Glinka (Bashutsky), adjutant of Count Miloradovich

Boychenko, private Semenov regiment

Petr Golenishchev-Kutuzov, Alexander's adjutant

Vasily Mikulin, Colonel

adjutant Mukhanov
